Monday, August 16, 2010


Today listened to Tony Mowbray deliver an inspiring talk.  I got so much out of what he had to say.  His words of determination and his story of survival resonated at a very deep level. The missing piece of the puzzle fell into place. Starting up our new business has been amazing and we've achieved so much in such a short space of time...... we have committed such a lot of time and energy and money to get this up and running (even my dream kitchen being put on hold!) Now was the time to hear about staying true to the dream, staying connected, working at the business and importantly believing that I have courage to succeed.  In the end though it is about knowing what is truly important and that is family and friends. I had Asha with me and I knew sitting on my lap was the best thing that had ever happened in my life. 
I walked up Mutton Bird Hill on such a high and started thinking about people in my life who have had the kind of bravery and commitment that Tony Mowbray talked about. I thought of Colleen, PT extraordinaire!  I had to text her & tell her how amazing I think she is.  She has had the courage to change her life and importantly take risks with the ultimate goal being that she is  true to herself. Sometimes this pays off in traditional ways i.e. brings in the dollars and other times it doesn't but ALWAYS it is a step in the right direction.  We learn and learn by having a go and in the end it feels amazing to be a doer.  When Tony Mowbray said he looked at that wave and in an instant he thought, "This is how I'm going to die then by drowning."  All he could think of in that moment were his kids and that is the ultimate thing to lose those that you love the most the rest is surmountable, the rest is the journey. I felt more sure of what I am about listening to Tony Mowbray and feel excited about what lies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Inhal! This is way cool!

    Nice job with your blog! It looks excellent!! I look forward to following along with your journey.

    Nice work!

